Nursing Care Plan for Hypertensive Heart Disease : Acute Pain

Hypertensive heart disease includes a number of complications of high blood pressure that affect the heart. While there are several definitions of hypertensive heart disease in the medical literature, the term is most widely used in the context of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding categories. The definition includes heart failure and other cardiac complications of hypertension when a causal relationship between the heart disease and hypertension is stated or implied on the death certificate.

The symptoms and signs of hypertensive heart disease will depend on whether or not it is accompanied by heart failure. In the absence of heart failure, hypertension, with or without enlargement of the heart (left ventricular hypertrophy) is usually symptomless. Symptoms and signs of chronic heart failure can include:
  •     Fatigue
  •     Irregular pulse or palpitations
  •     Swelling of feet and ankles
  •     Weight gain
  •     Nausea
  •     Shortness of breath
  •     Difficulty sleeping flat in bed (orthopnea)
  •     Bloating and abdominal pain
  •     Greater need to urinate at night
  •     An enlarged heart (cardiomegaly)
Patients can present acutely with heart failure and pulmonary edema due to sudden failure of pump function of the heart. Acute heart failure can be precipitated by a variety of causes including myocardial ischemia, marked increases in blood pressure, or cardiac dysrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation. Alternatively heart failure can develop insidiously over time.(wikipedia).

Nursing Care Plan for Hypertensive Heart Disease : Acute Pain

Acute Pain (headache) related to increased cerebral vascular pressure.

Goal :

    Client reported pain / discomfort disappeared / controlled .

Interventions and Rationale :

1. Maintain bed rest during the acute phase.

2. Give non-pharmacological measures to eliminate headaches eg, a cold compress on the forehead, back and neck massage, quiet, dim the room lights room lights, relaxation techniques (manual imagination, disktraksi) and leisure time activities.

3. Eliminate / minimize vasoconstriction activity that can increase headache eg, straining during defecation, coughing and bending length.

4. Assist patients in ambulation as needed.

5. Give liquids, soft foods, regular oral care in the event of bleeding nose or nasal pack has been done to stop the bleeding.


1. Minimize stimulation / promote relaxation.

2. Actions that reduce cerebral vascular pressure and the slow / block sympathetic response is effective in relieving headaches and complications.

3. Activities that increase vasoconstriction causing headaches in an increase in cerebral vascular pressure.

4. Dizziness and blurred vision often associated with pain kepala.pasien can also experience episodes of postural hypotension.

5. Increase the general comfort, compress the nose can interfere with swallowing or breathing requires mouth, causing stagnation oral secretions and mucous membranes dry out.

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